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When a group of Avant-Garde artists started using bold and unnatural colors to complete paintings in the early 20th century, they were referred to as the “Wild Beasts.” Maurice de Vlaminck (1876-1958) was a French artist who was one of the leading painters of Les Fauves, a group of artists who radically changed the course …

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The career of one of the most influential French artists in history took a drastic turn in the early 20th century. Henri Matisse (1869-1954) spent the summer of 1904 in St. Tropez in Southern France and it inspired him to experiment with bright and unnatural colors. This was the start of a brief but highly …

Read More about The Green Stripe by Henri Matisse – Top 8 Facts

When a young man rose to power in 16th-century Florence, many wealthy and influential people in the city hoped to enrich themselves. Little did they know that the young man was a cunning and strong-willed politician. He eventually managed to transform the Republic of Florence into the Grand Duch of Tuscany. Cosimo I de Medici …

Read More about Portrait of Cosimo I de Medici by Bronzino – Top 8 Facts

Some artists developed new techniques, other artists wrote about them, and a few extremely talented individuals in art history did both. Jean Metzinger (1883-1956) was a French artist who definitely fell into the latter category. Not only did he complete several Cubist masterpieces but he also wrote a theoretical work on the movement, the manifesto …

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If there’s one painting that visualizes the economic struggle at the start of one of the darkest economic periods in American history, then this is the one. Edward Hopper (1882-1967) was an American painter who focused on realistic depictions of landscapes and urban life. During his long career, he produced some of the best-recognized paintings …

Read More about Early Sunday Morning by Edward Hopper – Top 8 Facts

Did you know that the historic Roman Forum in the heart of the Italian capital was once a meadow with grazing cows for many centuries? It was only in the late 19th century that serious excavations were begun to uncover the architectural ruins of the once-thriving marketplace of ancient Rome. An English artist painted the …

Read More about Modern Rome – Campo Vaccino by J.M.W. Turner – Top 8 Facts

Apart from Last Supper paintings and works depicting the Virgin Mary, paintings of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and other religious figures are the most-produced religious artworks in history. This subject emerged in Byzantine art after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, during the Middle Ages, and all the way from the Renaissance to …

Read More about Top 10 Famous Crucifixion Paintings

The career of this famous American artist is defined by the magnificent landscapes he painted and especially his marine paintings. Winslow Homer (1836-1910) can easily be described as one of the most notable artists in the United States in the 19th century. He started his career as an illustrator but gradually moved to oil paintings …

Read More about The Fog Warning by Winslow Homer – Top 8 Facts

When this world-famous Dutch artist invited one of his colleagues to the town of Arles in Southern France, it ended in tragedy. Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) suffered from a severe mental breakdown which resulted in the infamous ear-cutting incident. After a period in the hospital in Arles, he voluntarily checked into a mental hospital that …

Read More about Green Wheat Field with Cypress by Van Gogh – Top 8 Facts